Prepare Your Apartment for Hurricane Season

Hurricane Preparedness

Need some advice on how to prepare for a hurricane? Let’s go over some tips on how you can keep your home safe before and during an oncoming hurricane. If you are prepared, it’s always advisable to make sure you’ve got everything you need!

Before the Hurricane

If you don’t have an emergency medical kit, you’ll want things like shears, band-aids, sanitizer, gloves, masks, tweezers, bandages, and antiseptic wipes. Clean water is a necessity you don’t realize you need until you can’t get your hands on it. Get some reusable water bottles and fill them up with clean water or go to your local store and make sure you have a stocked-up supply of water. If you are able too, move furniture and other things you wouldn’t want to get water damage to higher areas of your home to keep them safe, and unplug any small appliances in case of a storm surge! Keep checking the local radio for more information on the storm as it approaches your area. Find out where your local shelter is and be prepared to evacuate there if the orders are given; don’t leave your pets in the evacuation plans.

During the Hurricane

Turn off your power if told to do so by the local authorities, if your power goes out, use a floodlight, NOT candles! The floodwater may be contaminated or sewage water, so be sure to stay clear of it. If possible, continue to keep up with your local radio for more updates on the situation.



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